Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Winter Newsletter

Low Back Pain

By Lamia Gibson

From a mild dull ache to flat out on your back, Low Back Pain comes in many forms. It can creep in over a few months of hard work or, with injury, can come quick and fast and strong. If you have ever experienced any degree of pain in the low back area you’ll know it can have a big impact on your day-to-day life.

Whether due to injury or overwork Low Back Pain is an example of Qi stagnation, Blood stasis or Qi deficiency. When Qi stagnates it causes pain that is dull (light or strong). The pain can seem to throb and is generally fixed in location (does not move around). When there is an injury (slipped disc or minor muscle tear) it creates a sharp strong pain that can be debilitating. This is the pain of blood stasis. When there is weakness, Qi deficiency, in the channels that run through the low back (Kidney and Bladder or Gall Bladder channels) you may experience a low dull ache along the course of the channel; often from the low back, through the buttock and down the back or side of the leg (a.k.a. sciatica).

Our low back area is integral to our structure, it is the central point from where we pivot as we move throughout the day, whether walking, bending, lifting or reaching, the central axis is our low back and lower abdomen.

So what can we do?

Acupuncture moves Stagnant Qi or Blood Stasis and nourishes deficient Qi in the channels. Our bodies contain an intricate weaving of channels of Qi, meaning we can needle the local painful area or we can needle points along the course of the channel to have effect on the affected area. So, yes, sitting in a recliner and receiving treatment for low back pain is possible. Depending on the degree of pain you are experiencing you may need a combination of bodywork and acupuncture, initially, to decrease the pain and increase healing. Once the strong pain has decreased you can then receive treatment once every two weeks or so, just to maintain your free moving back and prevent pain and stagnation in the future.

Tips for your day-to-day life….

Bend with your knees …. A piece of wisdom for all people who can bend over! When we bend with our knees we support the structure of the low back and use leg muscles instead of back muscles to lower ourselves to the ground. Humans are designed to squat to lower our bodies and every time we bend over we put undue pressure on the low back, if we are doing this over and over again we weaken the area and leave it vulnerable to injury.

Walk with the toes straight ahead……. When we walk with our toes out to each side the lower abdomen loses muscle tone and the pelvis tilts forward. This results in a tightening of the muscles of the low back. If this is how we walk day after day, it results in very tight muscles which, when we go to reach for something, can strain or tear resulting in pain and limited movement.

Winter is the season to retreat and reflect

By Susanda Yee, community acupuncturist

The cold, dry, grayness of winter can make us tired. Not only physically, but mentally and emotionally. I often ask clients who say, “I’m exhausted” whether they feel mind-tired, body-tired, or both? We’re not always aware of mental-emotional fatigue. Even when we catch up on sleep and rest we don’t bounce back. This may mean we need to rest our minds. The season of winter is a time to retreat and to reflect which helps to restore energy.

Kidney/Bladder energy balance

From a Chinese Medicine perspective, winter is the season of water and a time to balance the kidney/bladder energy system. We need warmth and moisture not only because winter is cold and drying but also because it is an opportunity for our bodies to build up our stores. Winter is the season of rest, reflection, and restoration. We do need to “hibernate”. This is the season where we direct our energies inward and consolidate it. Winter is the opportunity to build up and conserve energy. This conservation of moisture and development of internal stability helps us with ever changing spring, and the intensity of summer’s heat.

Some ways to keep the kidney/bladder system in balance:

- Strengthen the lower part of your body - feet, legs, pelvis, low back
- Eat highly nutritious foods: black & brown foods, root vegetables, tonifying meats (beef, mutton, bone marrow); soup & stews are good
- Avoid cold food: raw food, ice cold drinks
- Keep your feet warm: cold enters the body through the feet; stay away from drafty spaces; keep your low back & pelvis warm
- Connect with others by sharing food in small, intimate gatherings; be choosey: keep your dear ones close by
- Meditation: spend time with yourself, reflect, and solidify beliefs & philosophy of life
- Exercise: slow, repetitive movements with little exertion
- Build up your energy: choose activities with low physical exertion; conserve energy, not expend energy (no cleanses or detoxification programs).

The Experience of Receiving Acupuncture

By Matt Sedo

There's a lot of information on what conditions acupuncture helps, the traditional theories it's based on and how it works. One question I often get in my practice from people new to acupuncture is "what does it feel like?'' Because the answer differs for person to person I thought I'd ask some folks using it at six degrees.

"There's a little pain and then a tingly feeling moving up and down my arms and legs- it's very relaxing."

"I hardly feel them go in and then I'm out for half an hour."

"It's never really the same. Some days I fall asleep and others I feel a lot of energy moving around."

"It's like that awesome half –awake- half -dream-state you get in an afternoon power nap."

"Actually I didn't feel anything at first. Then after a few treatments I noticed I needed to consciously relax and breath........that's when it started to feel really good."

As people come for more acupuncture they start to feel more. They start to get a better sense of what they need in a treatment and feel the effects of the points. After a few treatments I even get requests. Acupuncture becomes less passive. The resources a client need come right from them

What do you want to hear?

We’d like to have a huge playlist of music for the centre and move beyond the six CD’s we have been using. They’re starting to kind of drive us crazy. What would you like to hear? Let us know or even better make us a CD! Please be nice to independent artist and chip in when downloading.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Fall 2008

Emotional and Mental Health

By Susanda Yee, Community Acupuncturist

Acupuncture is most often associated with pain management. Acupuncture, however, can also strongly affect our mental and emotional health. Not many people are aware that it is a great way to deal with problems such as stress, anxiety, and depression. Many of my clients experience mental and emotional disharmony. They may feel ungrounded, moody, anxious, mentally tired, and overwhelmed. A common pattern in clients is too much energy at the top of their bodies (head, neck,chest) and not enough at the bottom (pelvis, knees, feet) causing a top heaviness, and ungrounded state in the body. I see this especially in clients who have a lot on their minds, feel disconnected from themselves, and who are mentally over-stimulated and fatigued. One of my main goals as a community acupuncturist has been to increase a sense of power, awareness, and wholeness in clients and in communities. Through experience I have learned more about how our emotional and mental health affects our physical health; they should not be understood as separate states. I began integrating the information clients shared with me (such as details of their lives, daily stress, life goals) and this gave a more complete picture of their health pattern. As a result I was able to develop better and individualized treatments that addressed multiple health needs. Clients are often surprised by how good they feel after a treatment. Even when they may have come because of their “bad knee”, they go away feeling relaxed and more grounded. During an acupuncture treatment many clients experience a semi-conscious state. Some people dream, feel light, and have a sensation of floating. Some clients comment on a shift in time, as if they’ve been resting or asleep for a long time. When we’re in a deeply relaxed state we tap into our natural ability to heal ourselves. It allows us to dissolve our defenses and reconnect the compartmentalized and fragmented states we experience when we’re extremely stressed. The experience of acupuncture can take us to this relaxed (or defenseless) state. We can let go, drift in the sea of our consciousness. Acupuncture rebalances our energy. There is a reorganization and redistribution of Qi. Where Qi was stuck, it can begin to flow. It redistributes in the body so there is a sense of aliveness,
connectedness, & equilibrium.

Qi/Ki stagnation in everyday life….

By Lamia Gibson

Qi or Ki – life force energy – is in every living thing. It is the force that moves us, warms us, strengthens us, and keeps us alive and alert. When Ki stagnates it blocks the flow of energy in our channels, which in turn tightens the muscles along those channels. Whether mild or severe, the pain of muscle or joint tension can lead to grumpiness & fatigue. If the pain is severe or prolonged it can upset the digestive, circulatory, and nervous systems and vice versa. For example, the Qi stagnation may start in the kidneys as a result of intense dehydration causing the kidneys to work in overdrive. The Kidney Ki stagnating will then cause the muscles around the kidneys to stagnate which then manifests on the surface of the body as a pain in the lower back. Qi stagnation is not only palpable physically. When we get ‘in a mood’ or have mood swings, this is an example of how our emotional Qi can stagnate. If the pain we experience feels better with movement, it is a sign of Ki stagnation. Whether emotional or physical presentations of Qi stagnation, we can improve by moving the body – literally getting yourself unstuck. If you can adopt regular movement in your life, something like simple stretches, going to the gym, yoga, biking, swimming, walking… movement is important to unblock Qi. If we get grumpy, and can’t get up and stretch or go for a run, we can breathe deep and visualize sending the frustration out of our bodies. It is important to right the wrongs, and to let go of the emotion. You can also stimulate the movement of Qi of the liver by drinking lemon water… a light lemon water (1/8 lemon, to one glass of water) is good in the morning to stimulate the liver and gall bladder to release bile and flush toxins. Add a glass of water after and you have a good start to the day. In this case less is more… Side stretches are good for stretching the GB channel, and loosening the tension of the liver.

Thank you

What are Trigger Points??

By Sandy Wallace

As a massage therapist, I am often asked about trigger points. What exactly are they?? Myofascial trigger points are painful spots within a muscle or it's fascia. They are tender to the touch and usually have a predictable pattern of pain referral. Trigger points cause the muscle to shorten, creating tension. Common causes for trigger points are poor posture, constricted muscles (from backpack straps, purses etc.),anxiety and depression, impaired sleep which may cause anxiety and increased muscle tension, and vitamin deficiencies. Some trigger points, particularly ones found in the muscles of the neck can cause muscle tension headaches. Massage therapists are trained to release these painful spots, which may provide great relief to those who suffer!

Sandy Wallace, RMT

Bio: I am a graduate of Everest College and a Registered Massage Therapist, licensed by the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario. I'm currently attending Yoga Teachers Training at Vidya Institute in Toronto. I am happy to join a great team of practitioners here at Six Degrees

Thoughts to chew on...

By Matt Sedo

Knowing how to eat is getting ridiculous! At any given time in the paper, on TV, or in the supermarket there are new breakthroughs on how much B12 one needs, how to combine food, calorie intake, Raw, macrobiotic, zone, alkaline, detox, high protein. Ahhh! Food is moving further away from the sensual experience of eating to an intellectual one. mmmm that protein looks good, is it homemade? There are some simpler approaches to eating:

  • Be aware of the energetic quality of food and how it affects you.
By energy I mean what the food does to you in relation to the state of your body. For example, chilies are hot. They bring energy to the surface, induce perspiration, and open the lungs. If you already have a lot of heat in your body (sweat a lot, feel agitated, or have red eyes) hot sauce, or any heating foods, will probably make you feel worse.
  • Use food as medicine.
If you do put extra hot sauce on your roti and feel worse this gives you some insight into the energetic state of your body. If you know hot foods agitate you, opt for something cold. Inversely, if you’re congested, cold, or lethargic, hot sauce can make you feel better.
  • Enjoy it.
Turn off the TV, sit down with good people, and chew. Being preoccupied while eating, or inhaling food can lead to poor assimilation and food stagnation, all of which contribute and add to other health problems.

  • The rotation method.

People have never had the kind of access to the varieties of food as we do today, yet we habitually consume the same things. Mix up flavors and colors. Rotate with the seasons. Avoid eating the same thing everyday. This will ensure you getting all the nutrients with out having to rely too much on vitamins and supplements

  • Eat food not “food.”
If you can’t pronounce it you should avoid it. These foods are designed for a long shelf live and in the process lose most of their nutritional value or energies. Try sticking to food less processed and fresh. There are endless lists of how food can be energetically grouped according to food theory in Chinese medicine. Of course, this is not a one to one match to reality. Every culture makes associations with food and they are often contradictory. The great thing is we can use this information, experiment for ourselves, and lead healthier and happier lives.

Be well!