Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Spring into Summer

What’s going on at Six Degrees...

Six Degrees and Yoga Queen have been collaborating!

‘Yoga for smokers who don’t what to be smokers’ is a dynamic supportive program utilizing group discussion, yoga, breath work and acupuncture to strengthen and support your intention to quit. This spring we’ve included an article by Simone Moir, facilitator, describing a bit about the process. For More information on this dynamic program go to

Acupuncture & shiatsu Intro packages

Are you an acupuncture or shiatsu virgin? Never been poked? Loved ones never been poked? Let us be your first. This package includes: two acupuncture and one shiatsu treatment for $120. It’s a great way to be introduced to what acupuncture and shiatsu can do. It doesn’t hurt and you won’t feel awkward in the morning. Call Six Degrees 416.866.8484 for more details

New website

Check out our new and updated site. It’s got more detailed information on acupuncture, the community model and what we’re about. Stay tuned for articles, resource and events

Sustaining the form…. Exercise and Asian Medicine
By Lamia Gibson

Exercise can be nasty word, can’t it? It used to make me cringe; it would bring up images of me not being able to keep up with the rest of the kids in gym class. Yuck! Still, I love to move, love to feel blood coursing through my veins and sensations of Qi flowing through and around me.

Exercise is necessary for all of us in some way, shape or form and is integral to any spring or summer cleanse you might do.

Shizuto Masunaga, Shiatsu Master, said:

“The most important feature of life is not the external form but the internal dynamics which create and sustain the form.”

Exercise doesn’t have to be painful, triggering or unattainable. At root it is a fundamental part of living healthy and we find it in many parts of life; walking, running, stretching, yoga, biking, swimming, dancing, playing sports, having sex, meditating. All of this can be a part of exercising for health. Most importantly we want to feel good in our bodies, we want to feel healthy. Do your best to see that how we look is not as important as how we feel.

Here I offer you some guidelines for healthy exercise…

- Enjoy your self… Pick an exercise that you feel good doing. If you want to keep doing it, it’s gotta be enjoyable.

- Respect your limits for this day at this time… From one day to the next our bodies are capable of different movements.
Start your exercise with a few deep breaths, connect with your physical self and move within today’s limits.

-Be realistic with your goals… Whether you are exercising to improve your health, decrease anxiety or simply to feel alive set goals that are attainable. Daily exercise is ideal, but twice a week might be more realistic. If we meet our goals, we feel better about ourselves and have more motivation for next time.

- Mix it up! Boring old exercise is boring…… make plans with friends for a bike ride one day and maybe take a meditative walk the next. Who knows maybe your hot date on the weekend will turn into exercise too!

Detox dilemma
Matt Sedo

When I used to teach English as a second language students were always anxious to know when spring starts and always amazed to see how short and sudden it is.

It is kinda true and it explains the rushing madness to be outside, on patios and catch every fleeing moment we can before it’s gone. The change is so quick here you can miss it. We don’t have the even slow and gradual transformation of other climates to bring us into the next season. The shift in Toronto really feels dramatic.

For a lot of us this leads to a frantic tendency to detox in the spring and throw off the drag of winter.

Detoxing implies a few things. A person stops consuming things that are toxic and adds food, herbs and practices that remove those toxins.

Unfortunately this is not one size fits all solution for a few reasons

Firstly what is “toxic” and good for you is somewhat relative. Many detox regimes involve eliminating dairy. Diary isn’t inherently bad. If you’re thin, have dry skin and low energy you might want to increases it. Raw food it said to be regenerative and it is. A problem arises if you have poor digestion and a lot of cold and damp symptoms- in this case you might feel worse.

If we’re zapped from an overtaxing busy winter and detoxing in the spring this will leave us more depleted.

So here are a few things to consider before spring cleaning.

-Think about your energy. Does you need a boost? A rest? If so, look into ways to restorative it. Try simple unrefined foods, acupuncture, gentle bodywork, restorative yoga, and downtime. Extreme food restriction, strong herbs and vigorous exercise aren’t the best route to take. You want to minimize stress and rebuild reserves.

-There are a lot of expensive supplements and programs for detoxing but also simple ways to do the same thing much cheaper. Beets and swiss chard clean the liver and support digestion for about four dollars a pot. Chrysanthemum tea is about five dollars a bag and gets the liver moving. Ask your acupuncturist to help get you started

-Be clear about your goals. Are you trying to lose weight, quit an addiction or become more sensitive to what you put in your body? Knowing your goal allows you to choose methods that will be more effective.

-Be aware of all the seasons and take steps to move into them harmoniously. This will balance you out all year and make the need to detox less of an issue.

Yoga For Smokers Who Don’t Want To Be
by Simone Moir

There is some wisdom in smoking cigarettes. This wisdom knows that breathing slow deep inhales and long exhales, spending time outdoors, getting grounded, taking a pause between hectic life events to reflect on and visualize our next step are all good and necessary aspects of taking care of our body and mind. By calming and steadying ourselves we get ready for whatever comes next.

Smokers are holding out on the dying art of taking a break in a fast paced culture that promotes eating lunch at the computer screen and putting in overtime that devalue human limitations and needs. Smoking is a meditative aid when you are alone as well as a social act. Smokers of all stripes band together in the worst and the best of times.

If you smoke you know that something about smoking is working for you. The trouble is that no matter how great the immediate benefits of smoking are in your day-to-day life these benefits are grossly outweighed by the health hazards and costs of this habit, both to others, the environment and ourselves.

Clearly it’s time to quit.

Why Yoga For Smokers

Yoga provides a supportive and structured approach to habit change. As a process and not an end point Yoga can assist smokers through all stages of habit change.

Contemplation and Preparation: In the beginning Yoga will help you to address your motivation, by becoming more intimate with your breath and feeling sensations in the body you discover the extent to which your habit has infiltrated all aspects of your life and assess the impacts of the habit. You recover your desire to take care of yourself.

Early Action: Once you have decided to take action Yoga lays out a path for you to follow in the initial stages of making a change. Intensive daily practice is advisable at this time, which will support you through withdrawal and help you to stay focused.

Middle Action: You have a place to turn to instead of your habit. You begin to rely on the classes you attend and look forward to familiar faces and practice routines. The time and place you set aside for practicing becomes ritualized and provides new meaning in your life.

Late Action: Here you start to uncover what was missing in your life along with the deeper emotional issues that lead to your dependency on the substance. Your Yoga takes shape. Who will you become? Your practice expands as desires emerge to try new and more complex poses and you get excited about the stages in the transformation process. You finally have the stamina to accept where you are and to work with what you have got. Tapas is a Sanskrit term for the heat that is generated through Yoga that burns through habitual holding patterns in the mind body and emotional systems and serves as the training ground for integrating difficult mental and emotional states. You leave your obsessions about outcomes behind and fall in love with process.

Maintenance: The best aspect of the yoga approach to smoking cessation and relapse prevention is the ongoing benefits of a regular yoga practice to support and maintain the new lifestyle you have adopted. Make your Yoga work for you. At this point you are self-directed in your Yoga practice and find way to integrate what you have learned into your everyday life. You supplement your home practice with classes, readings, retreats, DVD’s and online material for additional learning. Yoga is a practice of longevity that is vast enough in it’s scope to change with you as you age to support you with whatever you are experiencing.

Contrary to popular belief Yoga is not only about feeling good. When we practice Yoga we gain awareness about ourselves particularly about what we have been covering up and avoiding. This can often be painful to realize. What we were covering up when we ran to our substances of choice and comfort be they cigarettes, chocolate or drugs and alcohol, is what comes to light once we start regular practice. The good news is that Yoga offers us a highly organized path to follow so we can learn to support the new awareness and use it to make choices that better reflect our needs.

What we do with the information we uncover in our yoga practice?
On the path of acceptance and healing of habitual tendencies, it is essential that you learn how to relate to what you experiences with the non-judgmental spaciousness of your own mind. Toward whatever comes to our attention when we practice yoga, we learn to direct this non-judgmental gaze. Developing a close relationship with a grounded teacher who can follow and guide you in your practice, will help you to develop a kind and gentle witness within yourself. We sow new seeds that counter our addictive tendencies when turn away from harsh self-criticizing thoughts and cultivate patience and kindness instead.

Purification and Balance
As a highly effective form of stress reduction, Yoga practices can replace the benefits of smoking with non-toxic rituals that are readily accessible and without cost. Observe your mental, emotional and physical state before and after just 5 minutes of yoga practice. How you feel after a session will tell you how effective the practice has been. Yoga is a total system of purification that regulates the circulatory, endocrine, digestive, and reproductive and nervous systems.

Yoga helps us to unpack our tightly wound stories of who we are. Many of us believe we are our habit. “I am a smoker.” What would it be like to free ourselves of these stories of who we are? What if we gave up our stories about what we can and can’t do? Yoga addresses habitual patterns of holding and restriction in our musculature, breath and personality. Each asana (pose) provides an opportunity to become something new. The asanas of Pigeon, Eagle, Downward Dog and Cow’s Head each teach us about aspects of being human and emphasize various states of being that we can learn to integrate within our personalities toward greater wholeness.

Honouring the body we have, now. We have nowhere else to start but with the body, mind and abilities we have now. Each day we come to Yoga with where we are now. That means if you were doing full-wheel yesterday and today you have stiff shoulders you honour your bodies resistance and practice accordingly. Similarly if you were having full deep breaths and feeling great last night and this morning you are wheezing, coughing and have shortness of breath you will find a yoga practice that meets where you are today. Make your yoga work for you. If your yoga practice is not benefiting you, why are you doing yoga? Sometimes we find that competition and self-hatred are the fuel beneath our practice and when this is the case we usually end up in injury and with mental hardship.

Yoga promotes spending time appreciating being ness rather than doing ness. By directing our attention to the things we are actually feeling and sensing in our bodies right now we meet the present moment that is the only place where the power of choice is available to us. When we bring our attention to sensation, breath, our physical and sensate being we relinquish the hold of our ever busy doing mind and it’s perpetual grasping to some thing or some experience out there.

Whatever we put into ourselves and whatever we do effects our environment both inner and outer. As a smoker, you may ask yourself how are you tending to the garden of your body and mind? Yoga teaches us that we are in the process of becoming in each moment.

What will you choose today?

For information on programs for ‘Yoga for smokers who don’t what to be smokers’ Visit or call 647.236.YOGA (9642)